Slayer existence…
It’s getting nauseous already. Having this lower bourgeois routine resurrects the inner monsters inside of me. They are coming out from a foggy graveyard of my brain then creeping out like ghouls to my thoughts. It’s so disgusting since they’re leaving out a smegma for a pack of hungry wolves. I am so jaded with this kind of lifestyle wherein every ounce of prosperity equates to tons unappreciated work. This boredom is starting to revive my old promiscuous ways which I have left ancient years ago. Now I behold individuals who are taking advantage to capture their vulnerable prey. It’s true that the world is a vampire; it’s preying on people for financial or emotional gain. It’s draining the life out of me too. A vampire that no concoction, garlic or crucifix could vanquish so I have no choice but to live with it. There is also no escape since the world has its own pets, the vampiric bats, which follow and hover above everyone even in bedrooms and haunting on dreams. Leave me alone. Please! Just because I’m good at doing certain things doesn’t mean that I can live to people’s expectations. I know I can do it but as I’ve said, it’s already nauseating. For years I have always pleased almost everybody, now it’s my turn to live my life my own style. Someday I’ll cause that vampire have a sucking frenzy on its own blood not on others. For sure I’ll discover the remedy if I’m going to be one myself first for immortality.
A Christmas party…
I try to recall the Christmas parties I had been through since kindergarten but only one is tattooed in my mind. It was the party when I was in grade two about twelve years ago.
On the day of the celebration, everyone including me was wearing new clothes that only moms could buy. The first things which I took notice before entering the classroom are the gifts on the table. Some were small, some medium and others are large. My classmates were hovering over them looking for their names but they were shooed away by the teacher. I panicked and went back to my mom because I haven’t brought one. She said that it was fine and that my gift from Santa Claus was there. I was such a doubter at that age so I just gave her a plastic smile and went back to the parlor games. I didn’t want to join because my mind was preoccupied at the gifts and I kept staring at the odd-looking large box with a yellow ribbon at the backmost part of the other gifts.
I said, “Nah. It can’t be mine. It looks ugly.”
I stared at other gifts thinking that one of them might be mine. Other gifts are dumbly wrapped, one would easily know if it’s a stuffed toy or a pillow because of the wrapper’s contour. And I don’t want any stuffed toy or a pillow for my gift! I have been a very good girl & got the highest grades in class so I expect a doll house!
Well as a child, you always wish you had the biggest gift. Big gifts mean big toys. What do you expect? Opening it in front of your friends would be fantastic to show off considering if it’s the newest & the hottest toy in town. But that was before, now my parents won’t even buy me protection. Just kidding.
Back to the story. So there I was, waiting for my gift during the roll call. I was wiggling my legs, my mannerism, because I was so nervous. Other kids were opening there gifts and implying joys over their “ahhs” and “oohs” over what they had. The teacher was killing me for the wait and only a few gifts were left! I almost got out of the chair to run and cry to my mom and tell her that she’s a liar. But then I heard my name, the teacher was holding out the odd-looking box to me. I didn’t almost accept it but I took it, held it like cake then shook it. Duh. That was stupid. No sound came out.
Everyone had their gifts but I didn’t open mine because I was afraid that I might be dismayed. One of my close friends approached me & said that we could open our gifts together. And so I did…
I remembered that time that wrappers should be torn so the gift would last for a long time so I ripped it but gently not to hurt the box enclosing something. Then I saw a pink box with fancy letterings and a transparent front covering a very beautiful doll with long blonde hair near the waste in a pink ball gown. It was a Barbie doll. My eyes can’t believe it and my heart just leaped out of gladness.
Instantly, I liked her intricately painted face and the way she’s accessorized with a pair of earrings and a wedding ring. She was cute and unique that I bet even the rich girls in our class didn’t have a doll like her at that time. She also had a pink comb suspended by a string on her side. I wanted to open her then and there but I imagined the ruthless things that my jealous classmates would do to her so I decided to take her out inside our house. (I was such a pessimist that time, thinking always of bad things to happen and a worrier.) I liked her so much that I ran to my mom protectively hugging the box, kissed her and said my thanks.
We gave a beautiful name to match the owner to whom she was bestowed to. That name is Lynnette that was taken from my second name. So there I’ve learned in that Christmas party that I shouldn’t judge a gift by its wrapper.
Ento field trip...
We had a field trip in our Entomology (study of insects) class last Sunday, December 27, 2005. It was my first time to go camping. We did our camp somewhere at Cedar Park in Impalutao, Bukidnon, a place under the control of DENR. It was cool, literally, because the place was cold and surrounded by pine trees, mahogany and other hardwood. I had a great time hiking and taking these pictures at the same time. Our goal there was to collect all kinds of insects such as butterflies, moths and stick insects for the XU festival days exhibit. I snatched an insect net to catch anything, tried and all I got was not an insect at all but a millipede. Hey, I was busy taking pictures not because of—of—oh forget it. It’s for documentation. Owws…? (I can’t help but say it, f**king sh*t I got a talent for photography.)
In the evening, we had a little acoustic concert under the twinkling stars with our instructor, Mr. Gualberto, who is also a very good musician and by the way part-times at a seaside restaurant in CDO. We sang songs as many as we can remember and yours truly had a great time doing the melody as the back-up singer. Hahaha…
We collected insects at almost 10 that evening and returned with our nets full of nocturnal insects. We all slept like the dead in the damned cold night. I dreamed of—ehem—angels, the first time actually. ~__^
In the break of morn, the breakfast was great, thanks to our chef Aleth, and a great hike was ahead for us. We trailed the way to climb a mountain to see two waterfalls and holy mother of the heavens, what great sights!
We all felt so exhausted and drained in the van on the way home that everyone, except the driver, was drowsing. The driver by the way went with the sightseeing and I want to knife him because of his advances whenever I will slip. Yyyuuuuck!! Keep your hands to yourself, driver A**hole!

Even though my shoes were damaged, caked with mud & glued with dead leaves I felt all right. After all, it was worth the Calvary and Jeesh, what a tremendous encounter with a hot, or shall I say, cool momma nature.