Tuesday, November 15, 2005

All mixed up and good to go...

I like to read blogs, it can be somebody's or anybody's. But the problem is that I get teary-eyed when I stare in the monitor when it lapses for an hour. So I'm just seeing blurry texts and even not understanding what was written. What's funny now is that I've found an interesting blog to read and I can't even just stare at this f*ckin' monitor for too long.

Alright. I have a problem. And for now I just can't let it all out. I want to slam this keyboard, unscrew the CPU and throw the hard disk, and most of all punch the monitor. I don't know why I'm thinking these violent stuffs. But it's a good thing I'm writing them because if not, I'll be doing it. Nah.. kiddin'.

I've been liking this guy. It's like fever. He doesn't feel it but I'm really burning hot like really sick. Maybe I'll wait. I don't know who's going to wake up. I'll never ever gonna feel like this ever in my life again!

Grrr... Screw men for making me feel like a rag. I mean, some men.

I won't expect anything for now. Maybe my bestfriend is true. Men are not _ _ _ _ _ _ s, they are DOGS.


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