Screw him...

Aaaaaaahhhh! Damn, damn, damn. I can't believe he has the NERVE. Grrrrrr... Where did he sleep last night? No, not on my bed but with somebody's, I guess.
I thought we had this thing going on, you know. But that bastard just can't get off his hands on that flirting biatch.
At first he was cool with me and everything just went fine until this morning, I found him humping that-that-that--ahhh!
So what is it now? All the memories we had are going into trash? What about those cold showers or those chocolate-licking times huh?
Men. I really don't understand or what's the problem? Is it me who's the problem? No. I don't think so. The first times went fine then in the next, everything goes boomerang...
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