Tell me that I’m not on the shit… again
I’m so sick and tired of being in the state of what they call as “cloud nine” then came up wounded afterwards—again. Damn. I don’t want to hurt other people’s feelings. All I did was done and I don’t have a f*ckin time machine or a rewind button to undo or redo. Really, if I have to do it to be everybody’s friend, then why not? Man, why can’t people just say what they really feel? Why can’t they just spit it on my face to back off in their territory because they “poo-ed & pee-ed” on it?!? I’m a person who easily understands so they can shoo me off with no difficulty in no time. Just ask me straightforward and—bam! There goes the wish in a snap of a finger. That would also give me easy time to lick my wounds then “move on” and not just to waste my life in vain.
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