Thursday, August 10, 2006
Friday, July 14, 2006
Who’s your papsidudez?
“Who’s your daddy?” It’s that phrase you can type on the message bar of that DotA single player game so you could slay Roshan in one hit. It’s also the question that kept on bothering me in the past few years. Who is really the one I call as Papsidudez a.k.a. dad? I mean what does he do?I and my siblings don’t know what our dad does at his office. When asked he just says, “Just say I’m a government employee. It’s what I am.” So when we are also asked by our friends we don’t have a definite answer. We just kind of say, “Oh he’s a government employee who works in the airport.” Like the time when my little brother was asked of the same question and answered the same line. He got, “Oh so your dad is the one who’s driving the trolley that carries luggage from the terminal to the plane?” My little brother turned red and let his friend pass because even he cannot answer the question certainly.
Other people thought of my dad was kind of like 007 because he will just leave for travel on short notice. Others thought that he was a contract worker abroad. But for those who were with my dad for the last 20 years in public service, they have more details.
My dad asked me out to visit his office after my graveyard shift and I thought it was cool because it has been 14 years or so since the last. So I came to his office near the runway of an airport that he called “tower”. He briefly introduced me to his coworkers. Some of them could recognize me and gave that same now-you’ve-grown line. I thought it was normal. But something was different in the way they called my dad.
I found his office very cool, located at the third floor of the tower. It’s not the kind of office where there are lots of tables piled with paperwork. It’s just a room full of gigantic equipments for airway navigations, a few weather-dedicated computers and a couple of chairs. The place was freezing and we have to take off our shoes before getting inside because he said these devices are very sensitive to dirt and temperature. Good thing I wore a good pair of socks. There was this really big thing towering over me like a refrigerator, all it does is just to record all the flights that come each and every single moment so it has this big hard disk inside. There was also a device that aids the approaching plane pilot the accurate distance to land and an unusual power generator because it’s small. All of them were really branded so I asked dad if he has any idea how much these equipment cost. I got a negative answer.
Next stop was the top floor where I can have 360 degrees view angle of the whole airport. Lucky for me I was just in time to see a PAL Airbus plane getting ready for take off. Dad handed me my favorite but simple tool—the telescope. When I was 6, I find the thing very heavy that my dad has to hold the thing in front on my eyes but I managed it with one hand. The room also has equipment but mostly for monitoring the weather and there are walkie-talkies so the controller could communicate to the pilot. Pilot, he said? Maybe after this call center thing, I’ll apply to be a controller. I was shocked how airplanes now are having quiet engines. I barely new that a plane has landed or taken off in an instant unlike before in old Boeings. That is why houses were appearing like mushrooms a few meters near the runway. Dad explained that there is competition now in the market of airplanes so flights are having more fine features. Leading manufacturers from the US, McDouglas and Boeing, merged to counteract the joint European manufacturers that made Airbus 300. Maybe then someday people of the world will all have their own planes.
It was time for runway inspection and along with two of his officemates we hopped in to a pick-up truck. Dad surprised me again because he was the one to drive. I mean, I never really thought that he could drive well at all. We were speeding on the runway and I was worried if at any moment a plane would land on top of us. He just laughed and said that I shouldn’t worry too much. We visited each small fully air-conditioned rooms along the runway which I never thought of before as the little homes of very special equipment. They have to see that each is working fine every time and that each would be giving accurate signals or information. Most of them are for centering plane landing, transmitting grids and warning. Cool.
Now I understand why dad never told us his job description because it’s difficult for a person to get the picture of what he does and besides he does not like explaining a lot of things. He’s a man of action, I guess. When I looked into a bulletin board with their ranks, I found him having the title as the supervising airways navigation senior specialist. And I thought, “Yeah, I guess he’s right. Government employee is much shorter for filling up the part where they ask for my father’s job in forms.” Plus no questions asked.
We hung out in his office and have “the talk”. He just wanted me to seize all opportunities given unlike what he did before. He wished that I should have taken the degrees he did, things like that considering other things blah blah blah. What I like about him is that he doesn’t mind about women taking jobs which are for men. He really would like his children to learn how to drive even without an own car. We thought of putting out our own branch of TV station by purchasing the local RPN 9 someday. We both love the Prime Shift programs of that station as well as the lack of mass appeal, truly dedicated to the educated public. He desires to revive our favorite father-daughter hobbies, archery and target-shooting, after he could find a wider free time. He also plans to purchase a few music instruments just for fun. It’s funny how he could think of things like that when he’s at work. It comes to show that he’s still thinking of his kids most of the time and I’m glad for that.
I came to apprehend the magnitude of his work to a lot of people especially to the safety of the airplane passengers. Everyday, he has to ensure that every device is working properly so that no airway accidents would happen on his zone. Once a week he has to sleep in the office for early monitoring. He would have overtime if any of the equipment breaks down and it would take days to repair. I’m proud to say that one of the reasons why local airplanes are safe on their take off is because my dad is doing his job well.
Dad just wanted to show me how office works, how important it is to deal with different people and work as a team. Most of his group has to ask for his help but he told me to have patience and must know to impart knowledge to subordinates when that happens in my case. “Teach them how to fish not feed them.” he said. He also added that I must always make sure that there is a room for self-improvement; learning is a continuous process so just listen and understand. He didn’t have to explain much because he showed it to me which I think is a lot better. I knew he has to now that we’re in the same boat and that is what we call as work.
Love you Papsidudez the papsicool!!! ^___^
(I know I’m way too late for Father’s day but this one’s for you.)
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Heartache case #5....
Well hell... Thought that I'll never fall in love again but I still keep the flashlight on and off... I never thought that it'll end up this way but hell it is now... Hell or high water, that is...I'm flogged with regrets. But they won't stop me from getting a life, will they?
I am so sorry. God, I never knew it until this time. But I'm still on the game. Come on! Try and bring me down. Try and give a touchdown!
(I'm talking nonsense.)
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
The firsts of the year…
It’s been so long since I’ve blogged. I kind of liked the idea of being dormant and a sloth. Somehow I’ve fallen out of love, out of time and out of wealth for a short time and it still the first month of the year. Who knows worse things could happen. Welcome to Sherry’s pessimistic notions with certain phenomena again.
Just had a great time taking midterms last week without efforts on reading too much and discussing too much but the irony is that I passed it all like a breeze. I should do that more often. ^__^ Maybe I just got lucky with a new study partner. We found out on each other that the more we spend time together on just a few reviews, the topics just appeared on the test. Thank the Lord I’ve really found somebody who could understand the internal anatomy of insects, Hardy-Weinberg principle and discuss Incubus at the same time! It makes me fortunate to have a human charm around.
I don’t know if there is any chance that I could ever fall in love seriously again. The time when I was with those white-fluffy-clouds-in-the-sky feeling is just a high school memory. It’s time to get more serious but men at this age will infrequently take that serious feeling completely. So I dropped love out of the list and looked for more priorities.
My thesis has been stagnant and I don’t know if I could graduate on time. I’ve told dad that I’m going to finish it this summer and to my surprise he was cool with it. But the problem is my mom she might be fuming for going home this March for nothing. My dad has washed his hands off with anything that has to do with mom. Believe me, anyone would not want to hear more of her ranting. I planned to take the year off for a call center job and at the same time review for the National Medical Admissions Test and for some prestigious medical scholarships. I felt like I wasn’t ready to take any exam last year so I never took one. Oh well another one of Sherry’s perfectionist ideals. My dad is so very supportive with the call center job that his smiles are up to his ears every time I mention it. I can’t wait to make a resume on special paper.
It seems like this year will be healthy for me. I mean, literally. I’ve noticed that my funds have oozed out a bit all for food! My desire for food and cooking more foods is stronger and more imaginative than ever before. My family is the first critic, of course. I can hear their silent compliments after the meal when the plates are clean. And even more important when my cats are eating what’s for them too.
I hope and pray that this year would be a blessed one for me. So many goals, so many visions and yet so much to do.
Friday, December 09, 2005
Slayer existence…
It’s getting nauseous already. Having this lower bourgeois routine resurrects the inner monsters inside of me. They are coming out from a foggy graveyard of my brain then creeping out like ghouls to my thoughts. It’s so disgusting since they’re leaving out a smegma for a pack of hungry wolves. I am so jaded with this kind of lifestyle wherein every ounce of prosperity equates to tons unappreciated work. This boredom is starting to revive my old promiscuous ways which I have left ancient years ago. Now I behold individuals who are taking advantage to capture their vulnerable prey. It’s true that the world is a vampire; it’s preying on people for financial or emotional gain. It’s draining the life out of me too. A vampire that no concoction, garlic or crucifix could vanquish so I have no choice but to live with it. There is also no escape since the world has its own pets, the vampiric bats, which follow and hover above everyone even in bedrooms and haunting on dreams. Leave me alone. Please! Just because I’m good at doing certain things doesn’t mean that I can live to people’s expectations. I know I can do it but as I’ve said, it’s already nauseating. For years I have always pleased almost everybody, now it’s my turn to live my life my own style. Someday I’ll cause that vampire have a sucking frenzy on its own blood not on others. For sure I’ll discover the remedy if I’m going to be one myself first for immortality.
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
A Christmas party…
I try to recall the Christmas parties I had been through since kindergarten but only one is tattooed in my mind. It was the party when I was in grade two about twelve years ago.
On the day of the celebration, everyone including me was wearing new clothes that only moms could buy. The first things which I took notice before entering the classroom are the gifts on the table. Some were small, some medium and others are large. My classmates were hovering over them looking for their names but they were shooed away by the teacher. I panicked and went back to my mom because I haven’t brought one. She said that it was fine and that my gift from Santa Claus was there. I was such a doubter at that age so I just gave her a plastic smile and went back to the parlor games. I didn’t want to join because my mind was preoccupied at the gifts and I kept staring at the odd-looking large box with a yellow ribbon at the backmost part of the other gifts.
I said, “Nah. It can’t be mine. It looks ugly.”
I stared at other gifts thinking that one of them might be mine. Other gifts are dumbly wrapped, one would easily know if it’s a stuffed toy or a pillow because of the wrapper’s contour. And I don’t want any stuffed toy or a pillow for my gift! I have been a very good girl & got the highest grades in class so I expect a doll house!
Well as a child, you always wish you had the biggest gift. Big gifts mean big toys. What do you expect? Opening it in front of your friends would be fantastic to show off considering if it’s the newest & the hottest toy in town. But that was before, now my parents won’t even buy me protection. Just kidding.
Back to the story. So there I was, waiting for my gift during the roll call. I was wiggling my legs, my mannerism, because I was so nervous. Other kids were opening there gifts and implying joys over their “ahhs” and “oohs” over what they had. The teacher was killing me for the wait and only a few gifts were left! I almost got out of the chair to run and cry to my mom and tell her that she’s a liar. But then I heard my name, the teacher was holding out the odd-looking box to me. I didn’t almost accept it but I took it, held it like cake then shook it. Duh. That was stupid. No sound came out.
Everyone had their gifts but I didn’t open mine because I was afraid that I might be dismayed. One of my close friends approached me & said that we could open our gifts together. And so I did…
I remembered that time that wrappers should be torn so the gift would last for a long time so I ripped it but gently not to hurt the box enclosing something. Then I saw a pink box with fancy letterings and a transparent front covering a very beautiful doll with long blonde hair near the waste in a pink ball gown. It was a Barbie doll. My eyes can’t believe it and my heart just leaped out of gladness.
Instantly, I liked her intricately painted face and the way she’s accessorized with a pair of earrings and a wedding ring. She was cute and unique that I bet even the rich girls in our class didn’t have a doll like her at that time. She also had a pink comb suspended by a string on her side. I wanted to open her then and there but I imagined the ruthless things that my jealous classmates would do to her so I decided to take her out inside our house. (I was such a pessimist that time, thinking always of bad things to happen and a worrier.) I liked her so much that I ran to my mom protectively hugging the box, kissed her and said my thanks.
We gave a beautiful name to match the owner to whom she was bestowed to. That name is Lynnette that was taken from my second name. So there I’ve learned in that Christmas party that I shouldn’t judge a gift by its wrapper.
Ento field trip...

We had a field trip in our Entomology (study of insects) class last Sunday,
In the evening, we had a little acoustic concert under the twinkling stars with our instructor, Mr. Gualberto, who is also a very good musician and by the way part-times at a seaside restaurant in CDO. We sang songs as many as we can remember and yours truly had a great time doing the melody as the back-up singer. Hahaha…
We collected insects at almost 10 that evening and returned with our nets full of nocturnal insects. We all slept like the dead in the damned cold night. I dreamed of—ehem—angels, the first time actually. ~__^
In the break of morn, the breakfast was great, thanks to our chef Aleth, and a great hike was ahead for us. We trailed the way to climb a mountain to see two waterfalls and holy mother of the heavens, what great sights!
We all felt so exhausted and drained in the van on the way home that everyone, except the driver, was drowsing. The driver by the way went with the sightseeing and I want to knife him because of his advances whenever I will slip. Yyyuuuuck!! Keep your hands to yourself, driver A**hole!